Tên truyện: Bát Tiên Đạo (八仙道 - Saint Legend)
Tác giả: Andy - Seto Kim Kiu
Thể loại: Action, Shounen, Supernatural, Manhua
Tình trạng: 124 chapters - Completed
Nguồn: http://thienhatruyen.forum-viet.net/
No one believes in gods anymore. Superstitions are disappearing and humans are starting to destroy the ancient Buddhist temples. Is this the natural course of human progress, or is an evil spirit controlling the course of human destiny? Alarmed that this destruction is plunging the world into chaos, the eight most powerful immortals unite to eliminate the evil spirit that becomes more powerful as each temple is destroyed.
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Bát Tiên Đạo chương 1 - Download
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